1-3 OctoberKulturkvarteret

Program - 3 October


Registration & Breakfast

The Mindful Kitchen & Bar: Breakfast on local produce and gems from startups.

Focused networking though AI-powered matchmaking (continues during the whole day).

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    Kulturkvarteret, Kristianstad


    Frida Berglund and Camilla Palm welcome you to the conference together with Christian Nyhlén, former CEO of Krinova, and Jonas Haak, Chairman of the Board at Krinova.

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    Chairman of the Municipal Board, Kristianstad

    Pep talk - six positive food system shifts

    On the right way - inspiring trends towards a resilient food system.

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    Writer/trendspotter, focus on future food systems, AGFO

    Preparedness Session

    What is necessary to increase preparedness and resilience in the food system?

    • 100% fish - smart utilizing of sea food products with Thor Sigfusson - Iceland Ocean Cluster.
    • Food system under pressure. Experience from Ukraine - impacts from stresses of war on the local level with Andrii Ocheretnyi and Maksym Martianov - Vinnytsia, Ukraine.
    • What companies will be the unicorns of tomorrow? Trends and insights on preparedness with Matthieu Vincent - Digital Food Labs.
    • Prepared for tomorrow? How we can increase preparedness and resilience in the food system. Panel discussion with Annette Granéli - Green On, Andreas Hansen - UN World Food Programme, Estefania Simon-Sasyk - Mycelium Gastronomy Network and Nicklas Froborg - EkoBalans.
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    Founder and chairman, Iceland Ocean Cluster
    Partner, Digital Food Lab
    CEO and Co-Founder of Green-On
    Director, WFP Office for the Nordics and Baltics, UN World Food Programme
    Founder, Mycelium Gastronomy Network
    CEO, EkoBalans
    Deputy Mayor, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
    Economy & Investment Director, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

    Food Hack Final

    Pitches from the three finalists from the 48-hour innovation competition Food Hack by Krinova.

    The panel of judges consists of Truls Bretz - Krinova Incubator & Science Park, Sofie Borg - FoodBridge/Axel Johnson, Anders Engström - AGFO, and Maja Lippe - Federation of Young Swedish Farmers Skåne.

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    Chairman, Federation of Young Swedish Farmers Skåne​
    Writer/trendspotter, focus on future food systems, AGFO
    Head of Innovation Arena & Business Designer, Krinova Incubator & Science Park
    Project Manager, FoodBridge, Axel Johnson


    Enjoy lunch from the Mindful Kitchen & Bar with experts and scientists.

    • The Mindful Kitchen & Bar: Enjoy lunch from startups and local farms, signed by Jessie Sommarström, Sommarström Grimlund/Sodexo.

    • Lunch & Learn: combine lunch and round table discussions with experts and scientists:
      • From living in the storm of poly-crisis to a post-war future with Yanna Chaikovska - Vinnytsia City Council.
      • Ethical New Product Development with Estefania Simon-Sasyk – Mycileum Gastronomy Network.
      • Precision Fermentation and Biotechnology with Eva Nordberg Karlsson, professor biotechnology Lund University.

    Focused networking though AI-powered matchmaking.

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    Founder, Mycelium Gastronomy Network
    Head of foodservices på Sodexo, Sommarström Grimlund
    Chef Mindful Kitchen & Bar, Business Designer Krinova Incubator & Science Park
    Professor Biotechnology, Lund University
    Director of Institute for Urban Development, Vinnytsia

    Entrepreneurship Session

    How can innovative entrepreneurship contribute to building a more resilient and sustainable food system?

    • Healthy waters - entrepreneur pitches with Cajsa Torell – KOBB and Maria Martinez - Agrodit.
    • Balancing growth and sustainability – key components for entrepreneurial success with Sara Wimmercranz - Backing Minds
    • Innovative Food Processes - entrepreneur pitches with Gittan Schiöld – Re:meat and Fredrik Jonsson - TekInn.
    • From food communities to positive tipping communities – how local initiatives are rapidly reshaping the food system with Avit Bhowmit - Karlstad University.
    • New business models - entrepreneur pitches with Jonas Maltha - Agreena and Jacob Peterson - Foodtel.
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    Founding Partner of BackingMinds VC
    Environmental Scientist, Climate Solutionist, Karlstad University
    CCO & Co-founder, Re:meat
    CEO Agrodit
    Head of Commercial Development, Agreena
    Co-founder Foodtel AB
    Co-founder TekInn

    Price Ceremony - Food Hack

    The winner of Food Hack 2024 will be presented by Truls Bretz from Krinova Incubator & Science Park and Anneli Orrung Wallin - Kristianstad University.

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    Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Kristianstad University
    Head of Innovation Arena & Business Designer, Krinova Incubator & Science Park

    Drinks & Snacks

    Enjoy drinks created by Richard Man, Cocktails Made Incredible/Man Clan + coffee and snacks from the Mindful Kitchen & Bar.

    Focused networking through AI-powered matchmaking

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      Drinks innovator at Cocktails Made Incredible, Man Clan
      Head of foodservices på Sodexo, Sommarström Grimlund

      Diversity Session

      How is diversity contributing to a more resilient food system?

      • Ruminants' role in a resilient food system with Märta Jansdotter Aguirre - Gröna Gårdar.
      • Sowing resilience: The crucial roles of farming, genes, nutrition and behavior. Panel discussion with Hannes Dempewolf - Antonelli Foundations, Karin Wendin – Kristianstad University, Maja Lippe - Federation of Young Swedish Farmers Skåne and Märta Jansdotter Aguirre - Gröna Gårdar​.
      • Diversity in your belly – is our food choices starving our microbes? with Björn Schröder - Umeå University.
      • Unlocking success - the power of diversity and innovation with Tobias Degsell - Combiner AB.
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      CEO Gröna Gårdar
      Global Managing Director, Antonelli Foundations
      Founder of Combiner AB
      Professor Food and Meal Science, Kristianstad University
      Docent in Infection Biology, Umeå University
      Chairman, Federation of Young Swedish Farmers Skåne​

      Thank you & Good bye!